Best ayurvedic hospital in Trivandrum ends hereBest ayurvedic hospital in Trivandrum : Ayurveda is the greatest gifts from the sages of ancient India to mankind. We can trace its…Mar 23, 2021Mar 23, 2021
Ayurvedic treatment for Diabetic RetinopathyAyurvedic treatment for Diabetic Retinopathy : Matha was the first ayurvedic hospital to chart out a new direction in ayurvedic treatment…Mar 16, 2021Mar 16, 2021
Best Ayurvedic Hospital in TrivandrumAyurveda is the greatest gifts from the sages of ancient India to mankind. We can trace its documented scientific principles back to the…Mar 12, 2021Mar 12, 2021
Matha Ayurveda Eye Hospital & Panchakarma CentreSaving Lives & Serving Ayurveda Since 1916Feb 24, 2021Feb 24, 2021
Ayurvedic treatment for Dry EyesDry eye is very common nowadays. The main symptoms are foreign body sensation and itching in the eyes. Patients also feel dryness and…Feb 24, 2021Feb 24, 2021
Matha Ayurveda Eye Hospital & Panchakarma CentreYour search for the best ayurvedic hospital in Trivandrum ends here.Feb 19, 2021Feb 19, 2021
Ayurvedic treatment for Macular DegenerationAyurvedic treatment for Macular Degeneration According to ayurvedic theories, macular degeneration is a Vata-pitta predominant. In the…Dec 23, 2020Dec 23, 2020